Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Practicum Experience
Power Point Presentation
Mrs. Bronder's 2nd grade class at Settlement Canyon Elementary

Tin Foil Mask
I started out by researching all the different types of mask making that I could find online. There were so many. I chose to make mine using tin foil and masking tape. I liked that you got to make the shape of your own face with the tin foil and then use the masking tape to help keep its shape especially one the checks, nose, and chin area. I started off by using 3 sheets of tin foil and pressed them on my face to get the initial shape. Once I was happy with the shape, I put the tin foil on and started putting masking tape on top. This helped keep the shape while putting the tape on. Once it was covered in tape, I cut out the eye holes and folded over the edges to give it a clean look. You can use so many different mediums to decorate the mask but I used acrylic paint for the all over color and then glued on glitter for the accents. Once I was finished I punched holes in both sides so I could tie a string on so you could wear the mask. This was fun because it is your face and you can decorate it any way you want to make it yours.

Milk Jug Mask
This was a really fun project. I did a little research so I could get some ideas of what African masks looked like and what they were designed like. Once I had a few ideas I cut out the shape of mask I wanted out of an empty milk jug. I used a sharp knife to cut if out because I felt that I got smoother edges compared to scissors. Once it was cut out, I used masking tape to cover the entire surface, this gave it a little texture. Once it was covered in tape, I painted mine using tempera paints. I knew I wanted mine to be simple and not a ton of colors, so I painted the entire face one color and then added other colors when creating the design. This was fun and fairly easy and would be a great project for older elementary kids.  There are so many different shapes of masks you can make and then they can paint whatever African design they like.

Zentangled Scratchboard
This project is a mix of a zentangle and a scratchboard. I had never made a scratchboard before so this was really fun. I first researched what a zentangle design was and then had to incorporate my own design onto a scratchboard. I made the scratchboard using a piece of watercolor paper and coloring it with all different colors using oil pastels. Then I mixed black tempera paint and liquid dish soap together and painted 2 coats onto the paper. Once that was dry, I used different tools such as a needle, nail, fork, and pen cap to sketch my design onto the paper. Once I had my design sketched out I used larger tools to scratch away larger areas to have the color show through. This was a really fun project even though it did get a little messy. But what art isn't messy!

Creating this was a little more difficult for me since I am not good at drawing. This was my second attempt at this project. My first attempt was branches of different shapes and sizes but as I was drawing them out they all kind of looked the same. Since the project had to be something from nature, I decided to do seashells since I knew I could make them look different. I started out by drawing out different types of seashells and then traced them on to muslin using elmers glue. After the glue was dry, I painted in the space with tempera paint and a dry brush. Once the paint was dry, I soaked it in warm water and peeled off all the glue. That is how I ended up with my piece.

100 Color Challenge
For this project, I had my daughter help me mix and create different colors using watercolors and tempera paints. On the top half of the page, I used watercolors to make 50 different colors. I mixed and blended all sorts of combinations of colors to be able to get 50 different shades. One the bottom half of the page, I used tempera paints. I only used red, blue, yellow, black, and white. Only being able to use a few colors really made the project a little difficult. After a while all the colors started to look the same. Once I finished all the colors, I walked away from the project and when I returned I could tell a difference in each of them. I think I just needed to let my eyes take a break.
Alien Name
This was another fun project for me. I cut my name out a few different times to see which one I liked best. After experimenting with the different shapes that I got from cutting my name out, I had fun drawing a planet for my alien to live on. I wanted it to be simple and unique. I just used markers to color my aliens planet. This is also another project that my daughter saw and had to make one of her own. Perfect project for young elementary kids.